
Hi Stuart, again I read drooling over the E-Type Jag with which I have had a love affair for many a year. Enzo Ferrari did say it was the most beautiful car ever! I think he was right. However, just have a peek at the Alfa Romeos in the attachments. It makes one think…

Another great magazine this month.
Warm regards,

Tony Campbell

Hi Tony, wow, these images got the better of me and had me googling the Alfa Romeo, which I now know is a 1900 C52 ‘Disco Volante’ with roof added for some aerodynamic tests. The similarity between the coupé version of the Alfa and the Jaguar E-Type are amazing. I’m not brave enough to suggest that Sir William Lyons used the Alfa as inspiration but as it was built in 1953 and Jaguar’s concept for the E in ’57, it could be plausible. I’ll stick my neck out though and say that to my non-aerodynamic or stylish eye the Jaguar proportions are a bit more refined and better looking.

Thanks for making us think.

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